Honey and cinnamon are a powerful combination that can treat many conditions and illnesses. It has even been approved of by health experts and nutritionists. This all-natural mix has been used as an e…
Say No to That Flat Butt! 9 Workouts to Improve Your Butt
One thing’s for sure, every woman dreams of having a shaped buttock like the models we see on TV. The question which arises here is how to achieve that? The best way is through exercises which target …
What Will Happen If You Spray Your Bed With Alcohol
Alcohol is commonly used as a disinfectant or for removing adhesive substances. But did you know that it can be used for other purposes as well , including being an ingredient in many cosmetic product…
They Said Coconut Oil Was Great For You, But This is What They Didn’t Tell You
Nowadays, we often hear about coconut oil, coconut water, coconut shreds, coconut butter, coconut cream, coconut milk and coconut flour. This list seems endless! Recently, there is no doubt that the p…
The Top 27 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)
Although we know how bad processed foods are, these ‘delicacies’ are still our favorite. Processed products, fast food, GMOs and sugary treats keep harming our bodies, and the worst thing is that we a…
Recipe to help combat the effects of hypothyroidism
Did you know that despite its small size, the thyroid gland effects nearly every cell, tissue, and organ in the body? This is why a properly functioning thyroid is so important. Surprisingly, an estim…
Calm down a fussy baby instantly by massaging these 7 points
According to Nourish, reflexology is the practice of massaging the feet to stimulate certain nerve endings. These nerve endings correspond to organs and zones in the body, so you can match your massag…
How To Lighten Dark Skin In Pubic Area And Between Legs (1 Ingredient Recipes)
Skin condition which manifests as darkened skin between legs and often in the groin area is called Acanthosis Nigricans. It is most commonly seen in obese people, especially in people with dark skin. …
20 Unusual Facts About Pee You Should Definitely Know. #16 Made ME FAINT
In this article you are going to read some interesting and very unusual facts about our pee. One of the facts is that the urine can whiten the teeth, but there is something else you might have not kno…
Do You Know Why Women In China Bound Their Feet
This process begins at the early age of the girl somewhere between 4 and 9 year. First they soak the feet in animal blood and than fold the toes over the sole and bound with cotton bandages. They brea…
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